The Difference Between Gel Nails and Porcelain

February 23, 2018

For some time it has become fashionable to wear a perfect manicure. Many people turn to aesthetic centers to wear gel or porcelain nails. These are two options that are sometimes confused, despite the existence of important differences that go beyond the final result that is seen in the hands.

We detail the difference between gel nails and porcelain, as well as tell you what are the main advantages and disadvantages of each of them. So you can choose well the type of nails you prefer, although it is always advisable to let you advise professionals.

What are Porcelain Nails

Porcelain nails differ from gel nails because they are made of fiberglass. This material has the main characteristic of being quite fragile, so you have to be very careful with its placement, which should always be done in specialized centers.

The work that is done for its correct placement is quite laborious. Although there are porcelain nails that could be defined as the standard, the truth is that the professional has to give them shape and size according to the natural nails and the hand of each person to obtain good results. 

What are Gel Nails

Gel nails, unlike porcelain nails, are made of oligomers, which are usually vicious. This texture is the one that hardens on the nail when it comes in contact with the lights of the ultraviolet lamps, which are used for this type of manicure.

These nails are characterized by having a much simpler placement. Although they are stuck on the natural nail, sometimes they are not so well fitted because they are not molded as with porcelain.

Despite this, this type of manicure is on the rise, being one of the main fashion trends. To this boom has contributed to the fact that they are cheaper to place the porcelain. 

Main differences between Gel Nails and Porcelain

Porcelain nails have a series of characteristics that differentiate them from gel ones. They are particularities that are noticed in several aspects that go beyond their composition and placement.

  1. The hardness: porcelain is harder than gel, a feature that is more resistant to shock. On the contrary, those of gel are more flexible, which facilitates that they adapt better to the nail and is more protected against, for example, bumps or collisions with objects. This is somewhat curious because it seems that the harder nails protect more. However, you must bear in mind that porcelain nails, because of that greater resistance, can damage the natural nail if they are broken by a blow, while gel nails do not have that problem and with them, daily activities can be done No problems, including housework.
  2. The color: normally, if you do not apply a colored glaze, the gel tends to be more natural than porcelain, which tends to be more opaque.
  3. The final result: the final result in the gel nails is different from the porcelain ones because they are much thicker since several layers of the product must be applied during the manicure.

  4. The duration: between the gel and porcelain nails also varies. In general, porcelain tend to last about six months, while those of gel have a shorter duration. Anyway, in both cases, you have to do the maintenance to be retouched as the nail grows. Normally, it is usually every fifteen days.
  5. The elimination of the nails: this is also different. The porcelain ones have to be removed with a special liquid. For their part, the gel is removed with a specific nail polish remover for gel enamels, in addition to having to file the nail.
  6. The cost: this is another aspect in which they differ. Gel nails are quite cheaper than porcelain nails. Prices vary depending on the center you choose to do the manicure.

They are factors that determine the difference between gel nails and porcelain that we have discussed. So that you can know all the details and choose the one that most interests you to wear a "manicure ten". Remember that it is always convenient to go to specialized centers whether you choose porcelain or gel. 

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