The most Effective Home remedies for Flu and Cough

February 12, 2018

The flu is an infectious disease of birds and mammals that affect humans to the respiratory tract. Although it is usually accompanied by different symptoms such as weakness, muscle pain, stomach pain, headache, cough, sore throat. When the time of the flu arrives and we begin to see people around us who are suffering from it. It is very probable that we will get contagious. We will discover the best home remedies for flu and cough with which we will reduce symptoms and feel slightly better.

Cure the flu in a natural way: 4 remedies to achieve it

Among the best home remedies for influenza and cough. We highlight those that aim to reduce some of the most common flu symptoms such as a sore throat, cough, mucus, chest and nose congestion, and so on.

Here we leave you 4 home remedies that will help you to deal with these annoying signs that can greatly affect your daily health.

Honey and lemon syrup for a cough and discomfort in the throat
You need: lemons to make two glasses of juice and honey.

Squeeze the lemons until you fill two whole glasses. Put the juice you have made in a saucepan and six tablespoons of honey and let it simmer for an hour and a half. You already have the syrup done! Now you will only have to take it when you need it. You can start taking it on the first day two tablespoons every hour and starting on the second day every three hours. Surely you will improve!

It will also be very good to prepare an onion syrup and honey.

Infusion of ginger for a cough and expectoration
You need fresh ginger, water, honey, and lemon.

Chop very small spoonful of fresh ginger. Heat a cup of water in a saucepan or microwave until it boils. Introduce the spoonful of ginger in the cup with boiling water. You can add a spoonful of honey and a little bit of squeezed lemon.

Salt and bicarbonate to decongest the nose
You need sea salt without iodine and bicarbonate.

Heat a cup of water until it is lukewarm. Add a quarter teaspoon of sea salt without iodine and another quarter of baking soda. Remote it well and put a couple of drops in each nostril. It's a great decongestant!

Onion and cayenne pepper to decongest the chest
You need water, onion and cayenne pepper.

Put a saucepan of water to boil with a large slice of onion and a half teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper. Once it breaks to boil, strain it and put it in a cup. Let it cool a little until it is at room temperature. Take it before going to sleep and it will decongest your chest.

Infusions for the cold and the flu: 3 recipes that will cure you

When we are sick, what our body asks of us are hot drinks that hydrate us and that also relieve our throat pain. Therefore, a perfect idea is to take advantage of the healing properties of some plants that will help us reduce symptoms and make us feel better. Here we leave you 3 infusions for the flu and the cold with which you will get a remarkable improvement.

Infusion of lemon and honey for flu

One of the best home remedies for flu and cough that can be prepared as an infusion is one that takes advantage of the benefits of lemon for health and, at the same time, the benefits of honey. On the one hand, the fruit is rich in vitamin C and, therefore, will strengthen our immune system; On the other hand, honey acts as an expectorant and has antibacterial properties.

Therefore, prepare this infusion and take it 3 to 4 times a day and you will see how you feel a great improvement. Above all, you will feel that a cough is reduced and that the nasal passages are cleared.

Infusion of salvia for cold and flu

Sage is a plant that gives us a great variety of perfect properties to relieve flu symptoms. It is a natural remedy that acts as an antiseptic and, therefore, will help you to fight against bacteria and viruses. At the same time, it will also strengthen our defenses, making us stronger to overcome the disease.

You can take 2 to 3 infusions of sage a day to get better faster and feel better about the flu.

Red tea, ideal to cure the flu

And, finally, another of the best infusions for the flu is the red tea, a perfect drink that will help you to lower the fever. Of course, it is recommended not to take it at the last minute of the day because it contains theine and could affect the quality of your sleep. The best thing is that you choose to take it especially in the morning or early afternoon and you'll get to feel better. In this other article, we indicate the contraindications of red tea because it is not a drink that everyone can drink.

Other tips to cure the flu naturally

In addition to the home remedies for the flu and cough that we have just told you, you have to know that, to accelerate your recovery, it is important that you take into account a series of tips that will help you improve your health. They are the following:

Drinking hot liquids will make you feel better

If you have the flu, the best thing you can do as long as you do not have a high fever is to drink hot liquids. Prepare a hot soup or an infusion. It will make you feel very good!

Rest a lot

These remedies are very effective when you have the symptoms of the flu but will have to be accompanied by a good rest. Do not make efforts, spend time in bed, sleep a lot and you will recover faster.

Take vitamin C

It is also recommended that you reinforce your immune system so that it is much stronger and prepared to overcome your illness. Therefore, we recommend that you bet on taking foods rich in vitamin C, such as orange juice, tangerines, green leafy vegetables, and so on.

This article is merely informative. We do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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