How to Clean Silver with Toothpaste - Steps and Tips

March 13, 2018

Silver jewelry is both beautiful and difficult to care for, and the same goes for silverware. In terms of brightness, with the passage of time, the saved and the little or bad use, it is lost, stained and worn; however it is very easy to relive the beauty of silver with a few tricks.

There are many products such as liquids or wipes that are responsible for polishing and removing the silver, however, in most cases, they are very expensive or difficult to obtain. If you are in a hurry and do not know what to do. We bring you a simple and economical alternative. Keep reading this article in which we discovered How to clean silver with toothpaste

What Toothpaste to use to Clean the Silver

The toothpaste is known worldwide for its effectiveness when cleaning is spoken, and not only for the teeth and the mouth in general. Thanks to the components that make up the toothpaste, it acts as a powerful cleaner eliminating stains or dirt difficult to start. In the case of silver, it can be effective to polish it but also to scratch it.

Before using this trick it is important to identify what type of silver we want to clean, since sterling or polished silver is more delicate than matte or satin, being more prone to damages or scratches due to toothpaste.

Choosing a suitable toothpaste is of the utmost importance to carry out this procedure since the different types contain certain ingredients that can damage the silver. The most recommended is to opt for a traditional toothpaste and not gel since most are not so strong as to polish the piece. Similarly avoid all those that contain additives such as bleach, mint particles or sodium bicarbonate, that is, you can see the lumps, which can scratch the piece.

How to Clean the Silver with Toothpaste Step by Step

  1. To use toothpaste to clean and polish silver, be it jewelry or fine cutlery, take note of these steps:
  2. Apply some water to the jewelry or silverware with the help of a spray filled with water. This will help you improve and facilitate the distribution of toothpaste throughout the piece.
  3. Spread the toothpaste on the jewel, depending on the size of that piece can be more or less, however, do not overdo it with the amount. You can apply it with a cloth or cotton and in very small areas you can use a cotton swab or cotton swab, like the ones we use to remove makeup and clean our ears.
  4. Rub the piece of silver well with the toothpaste. For this procedure, you can use a soft bristle sponge, cloth, paper or toothbrush. Make sure that any of these instruments is wet, this will help reduce the risk of scratching the bracelet, ring or cutlery that you are polishing. Keep in mind that as you go polishing, the cloth or napkin will go dark, do not be alarmed because this means that all the tarnish is being removed.
  5. Let stand about 5 minutes for the toothpaste to make its effect on the most difficult spots to remove.
  6. Remove the remains of the toothpaste with the help of a clean cloth to observe where there is no more polishing. If this happens, repeat the process of the paste and rub again. Depending on how strong the loss of brightness has been, it will take longer to recover, so be patient.
  7. When the piece is perfect, immerse it in a cup with warm water or place it under the tap to eliminate any residue of toothpaste or dirt extracted from the jewel.
  8. Help yourself with a soft and clean cloth to dry and remove the water from the piece. It is important that you do not rub it, just dry it with patties.
  9. Let it dry on said cloth for at least a day to make sure that each corner is perfectly dry and store it.

Tips to Prevent Silver from Losing Shine

Finally, apart from having to clean the silver from time to time in the right way, we give you some of the best tips so that the silver does not lose its brightness :

  1. Avoid applying lotions, perfumes or creams with silver jewelry already placed. In the case of rings, necklaces or bracelets, the best option is to apply these products beforehand and let them dry well, remember that compounds and oils can damage or cause the silver to lose its shine faster.
  2. Store the silver in a suitable place where there is no moisture. Water and excess moisture are the number one enemies of silver, so make sure your jewelry is not exposed to these two factors.
  3. Do not wet the silver so it does not spoil. Avoid using silver rings or bracelets to swim, exercise or any other activity that involves water or sweat, this causes faster loss of shine.

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