How to delay Menopause Naturally

March 16, 2018

Although many women are looking forward to menopause, there are also others who prefer to delay as long as possible because they still want to have children or wish to delay the effects and consequences of this natural process, which is not exempt from a series of symptoms. Annoying as hot flashes, fatigue or bone problems.

And, although sooner or later menopause has to arrive, it is possible to delay this process in the body by following a series of guidelines on a day-to-day basis. We explain how to delay menopause naturally.

Exercise to delay menopause

Exercise is shown to be beneficial in delaying menopause naturally. The key is that with physical activity the organs of the body stay young for longer, which is advantageous for the body because it ages more slowly. In addition, with exercise, the body continues to secrete hormones, including estrogen, thus delaying menopause.

Although all activity is favorable, it is true that there is a series of exercises that are more beneficial. Among them are all those that are aerobic exercises because they are those that generate more hormones. For example, you can run, ride a bike, swim or the typical aerobic classes. Anyway, it also helps you to walk at a brisk pace.

The idea is to do physical exercise every day and it does not have to be very intense. If this is not possible due to lack of time, it is sufficient that you do the activity four or five times a week for about 45 minutes. However, the ideal is always one hour.

Physical activity is still more beneficial if it is done outdoors to take advantage of the properties of the sun's rays. And is that vitamin D is a natural antioxidant, which also delays menopause. But, to avoid problems, do not forget to use sunscreen and expose yourself to the sun in moderation.

Foods to delay Menopause Naturally

Food is related to menopause. In fact, it is one of the most influential. A reason why it is very important to follow a proper and balanced diet in which a series of beneficial foods cannot be missing to delay menopause.

Soy is key to delaying menopause naturally because it provides isoflavones and phytoestrogens, which reduce the effects of estrogen in the body, in addition to delaying the symptoms of menopause. That yes to obtain these benefits is necessary that the soybean is not transgenic.
Vegetables and fruits also have to be on the shopping list. Preferably, you should take those that are rich in vitamin C such as kiwi or orange.

Brown rice is very good because it contains phytoestrogens, as well as cereals such as wheat and other foods such as sunflower seeds and onions.
Bran-containing cereals are indicated because they contain phytates, which bind calcium. This prevents bone problems and diseases such as osteoporosis. Actually, it does not delay menopause, but it will make some symptoms more bearable.

Proteins from white or blue fish also have to be taken daily for their beneficial effects on the body, especially the OMEGA-3. However, you must be careful not to abuse tuna and swordfish because, depending on their origin, they are contaminated by non-degradable plastic compounds, which interferes with hormones and, in general, health. The same happens with sweets and salt because, the better the organism and the younger inside, later menopause will occur.

Eliminate Bad Habits to Delay Menopause Naturally

Apart from physical exercise, being outdoors and eating properly, there are a number of bad habits that should be set aside to delay menopause naturally. And one of them is tobacco since several scientific studies have corroborated that smoking more than 15 cigarettes a day advance the menopause between two and four years. Therefore, it is best to leave the tobacco.

The alcoholic beverage is not beneficial either to delay menopause. However, there are some exceptions, such as the fermented ones, which have been shown to have benefits if consumed in a moderate way. Specifically, in this group is only beer because it is an antioxidant and contain isoflavones and phytoestrogens, which make it possible to replace estrogen in the body.

We hope that with these tips you have learned how to delay menopause naturally. Anyway, if it is your desire, it is always advisable to consult a doctor.

This article is merely informative. We do not have the faculty to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We offer you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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