I have a swollen belly Why
March 12, 2018Swollen belly is the popular name with which we designate that uncomfortable feeling that our abdomen is enlarged, which often appears with other symptoms such as an excess of gas, upset stomach and feeling of heaviness.
The truth is that there are many factors that can cause a swollen belly, from small problems to more serious conditions. For that reason, in the following article, we are going to talk about the causes that can lead to your belly swelling. If you wonder I have a swollen belly Why keep reading this article and find the answer.
Abdominal Distension
The abdominal distension is a very common condition, at some time or another we all have the swollen belly after eating. The fact that it is so common is because there are many factors that can cause it, factors of a very different nature.It is especially common among women, in fact, it is believed that between 50 and 70% of women suffer abdominal swelling on a recurrent basis, especially during menstruation.
Although in some of these cases it can simply be an aesthetic problem if it is true that it is often accompanied by other symptoms such as heaviness, pain or diarrhea, which is why it is necessary to find the cause of abdominal distension. to be able to carry out an adequate treatment that eliminates it from your life.
Food Intolerances
Before asking why I have a swollen belly you should ask yourself when your belly swells. In this way, we can get many clues to find out what is the cause of this annoying feeling.One of the most common causes of the bloated belly is food intolerances. It is not strange to see people eating things that they feel bad for years without being aware that this food is what is causing them digestive problems.
An Unlike allergies, which cause much more severe and dangerous complications, people with intolerance they can appear at any time and symptoms, while annoying, are no more bloating, headache, diarrhea or constipation and muscle aches.
Lactose and fructose are two of the foods that cause more intolerance around the world so you can start by looking at yourself if, after eating dairy or fruit you feel your stomach swells, in this way you can see if eliminating them from your diet you feel some improvement.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
This is a disease that is difficult to diagnose because you do not know very well what causes it or why it occurs in certain people. Although it has been elucubrado that can have a psychological origin we do not have a clear answer to define it.It can be known as irritable bowel syndrome or irritable bowel syndrome and is characterized by, in addition to bloating the belly, causing flatulence, constipation alternating with periods of diarrhea, continuous cramps that are only relieved by going to the bathroom, upset stomach and cramps in the belly.
Since there is no evidence to make a reliable diagnosis, it is considered that a person suffers from irritable bowel syndrome when he coexists with these symptoms for at least 12 weeks for a year.
Dyspepsia or slow digestions
Another cause of swollen belly may be dyspepsia, that is, slow and difficult digestion, caused by delayed gastric emptying. Although it may be that dyspepsia becomes chronic, in the great majority of cases it is caused by too copious meals, by eating alcohol or carbonated drinks or by eating fried and difficult-to-digest foods.This type of food makes the digestion very slow, which increases the fermentations that occur in the belly and causes symptoms such as swollen belly, abdominal pain, and flatulence.
Fluid Retention
Do you have problems with edema? Do you often feel swollen legs and ankles? In that case, the cause of belly swelling will surely be the retention of fluids, the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the body as a result of a diet with too much salt, cardiovascular problems, kidney disorders or pregnancy.If you think you can suffer from fluid retention you should visit your doctor. So you can design a diet and life habits appropriate to the underlying disease that is causing it.
Bad Eating Habits
We have already mentioned it before, but it should be stressed because it is usually one of the most common causes of a swollen belly. There does not have to be an underlying disease or condition for a person to swell his belly, often bad eating habits are the culprits of these painful digestions.Tips to Avoid Swelling your Belly after Eating:
- Do not make copious and very fatty meals.
- Avoid fried foods and very spicy dishes.
- Stay away from alcohol and carbonated drinks.
- Chew properly and do not stretch immediately after eating.
- Drink 2 liters of water daily.
- Take some of the digestive infusions that we recommend.
This article is only informative. We do not have the faculty to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
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