Final Audit : Advantages and Disadvantages

April 23, 2018

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Final is also known as a complete audit, periodical audit or balance sheet audit. A final audit is one which is started at the end of the financial year when financial statements are prepared and is carried out until completion. Such kind of audit is legally required in the certain business organization especially in the case of a joint stock company.

Advantages of Final Audit

Full Facts

As the auditor has to check the whole record of that year, he is supplied with full facts relating to the accounts and the business.

Continuity of Work

In case of such review, the auditor visits his client’s office only once a year and goes on checking the accounts until the audit work whole of the period is completed. So in this way, the continuity of work is not likely to be disturbed.

Satisfaction of the Client

In such type of review, the auditor is required to examine the record thoroughly. So such audit provides satisfaction not only to the shareholders but also to the owners of small concerns.

Less Chance of Alternations

In such an audit, there is less chance of alternations and manipulation of accounting figures after they have been checked and verified.

Report Regarding the Account

The auditor is required to submit the audit report to the shareholders in case of the final audit regarding the fairness and correctness of accounts.

Legal Requirements

Such kind of audit fulfills one of the legal requirements of joint stock Company imposed by companies’ ordinance.

Disadvantages of Final Audit

Some Errors May Remain Undetected

In the audit, practically it is not possible for the auditor to check each all entry made in the books of account generally he applies the test to check. Thus so many errors and mistakes may remain undetected.

Delay in Presentation of Accounts

In the case of large business concerns, it takes more time to complete the audit and hence presentation of accounts to the shareholders is delayed.

Schedule Cannot be Observed

Generally, the auditor has many clients whose financial year’s ends on the same date, so it is not easy for the auditor to finish the work according to the schedule.

Audit Report May be Misleading

Though such type of audit is known as a complete audit, this is not correct because each and every transaction cannot be checked by the auditor. So we can say that the auditor report regarding the accounts may be misleading.

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