Sole Proprietorship : Discuss its Advantages
April 25, 2018
A person can undertake any lawful business activity for profit motive easily. The person has to develop an idea, set the goals and then develop it into a profitable operation. A sole proprietorship has many advantages in which some of them are as follow.
Sole Authority
The proprietor, being the sole authority, takes decisions of planning, organizing, staffing, coordinating, controlling and directing the business unit.
Sole Claim on Profit
The proprietor is the sole owner of the profit of the firm and is also personally responsible for the losses.
Flexible and Inexpensive Management
The full authority rests with the single proprietor. He can make prompt decisions in carrying out the policies, changing the methods of production, reducing or increasing the prices of the commodities, delegating responsibilities, etc. He can also take quick action for increasing the production activities of the workers by giving them incentives. The operational expenses are kept at the minimum.
Credit Standing
If the proprietor has a sound goodwill and personal assets, he enjoys an outstanding credit rating among the creditors.
Minimum Legal Restrictions
An individual enterprise is easy to form and simple to run as minimum legal restrictions are imposed on it. A government gives preferential treatment in the establishment of the small enterprise. The single proprietors are not required to submit a charter, partnership agreement, and special reports to the government.
Proprietor and Proprietorship are on
Legally the sole trader and his business are not separate from each other. The business unit and the owners are one and the same. A loss of business is his loss. Liabilities of his business are his liabilities
A sole trader, being the organizer himself, sustain a high standard of secrecy of profits, a special technique of production, special formula, etc.
Management lies with the Owner
In sloe trader ship, management of the business lies with the owner. As the owner receives 100% of the profit earned in the business, he, therefore, takes a direct personal interest in increasing productivity and maximizing profit.
Direct Relationship with the Customers
A sole proprietor is in a position to retain personal links with his customers who are limited in number.
Power to start and Close the Business
The sole trader can start any lawful business without taking any advice from anyone. He has also the right to close the business as and when he likes.
A benefit of Inherited Goodwill
The ownership of sole trading business passes from one generation to another generation. The sole traders thus allow the son to reap the profit of benevolence of his father.
Reducing Concentration of Wealth
The sole proprietorship helps in reducing the concentration of wealth in a few hands. It gives the wider distribution of business ownership in the country.
Self Employment
The sole trading business offer business careers to a large number of persons with small means
Development of Personal Qualities
In sole trading business, the personal qualities of proprietor like initiative, self-reliance have full scope for development.
Social Benefits
A sole proprietorship also being helpful to the individual owner, is also valuable for the society. For instance, it makes an individual monetarily independent who becomes a plus point and not a weight to the society. It builds up social qualities like initiative, strong will, independent thinking, and courage to face odds in him.