Tricks to kiss your kid well: Ranking of the best kisses
May 05, 2018
The best kisses one by one to experience passionate feelings for. We demonstrate to you the best kisses as indicated by the Kamasutra so you can analyze together.
One by one the best kisses to begin to look all starry eyed at. Find the heap of ways that exist to kiss to go insane both on the lips and anyplace on the body.
As per the celebrated Kamasutra, the book where we can discover the stances to make love that ladies like most, kissing is a craftsmanship to exhibit the affection we feel towards someone else, and separated into 22 basics that any couple should attempt.
Keep in mind that each kiss has its importance, and of every one of them we have chosen the best so you can appreciate together without limitations.
1.- Kiss sideways

2.- Kiss inclined

3.- Superior kiss and throbbing kiss

4.- Contact kiss or to light the flame

5.- Kiss to distract

6.- Kiss with the eyelashes or with a finger

7 - Kiss without a watch