How to lose weight with food
July 13, 2018Nature is very wise, and for that reason perhaps it has made us available many foods with slimming properties that, combined with a good diet and exercise, could help us a lot to lose those extra qualities and, thus, have the body with which always we have dreamed. We all know some of these "miraculous foods", but the list is really as big as there are countries in the world because, in fact, many of these foods are of foreign origin and, therefore, unknown to us.
That is why in this article we bring you a list of the 10 best foods to lose weight that you might not know. Take note!
Artichoke - Burn more than you Eat
We started this list of fat burning foods to lose weight eating with a classic among the classics: the artichoke. Among the thinning properties of the artichoke, include:
Diuretic properties: This vegetable has great diuretic properties because it contains a lot of fiber, which helps improve intestinal transit. In addition, this helps reduce blood glucose and lower cholesterol levels.
Satiating properties: Eating artichoke helps lose weight partly because it also takes away the feeling of hunger. However, do not abuse and sate only with artichoke, since your body also needs other foods to have all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body.
Fat burning properties: The artichoke contains cynarin, a substance that stimulates the burning of fats and their expulsion through urine. This, in part, is also due to its diuretic properties, so that it also eliminates toxins from our body.
And if that were not enough, artichokes contain very few calories and, therefore, are part of the list of foods with negative calories, this means that it is a food that spends more calories during digestion than it gives us.
Ginger - Diuretic, and Anti-Inflammatory
Ginger is another of the best allies when it comes to losing weight. It can be taken as an infusion or introduced in salads and other dishes, though, a little and grated. Among the properties of ginger to lose weight, include:
Diuretic properties: ginger improves the process of digestion, favoring that of more complicated foods and, at the same time, helping us to eliminate fat and toxins through urine due to its diuretic properties.
Satiating properties: taking ginger also helps to have less appetite, so we would not need to eat so much and, therefore, we could lose weight more easily.
Fat burning properties: among other things, ginger accelerates metabolism. In this way, our body would begin to burn more fat than usual.
Anti-inflammatory properties: ginger also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which would help reduce gas and, therefore, the swelling of the belly, something that can make it look like we have a few extra quilitos.
Garcinia cambogia - the best natural fat burner
The garcinia cambogia is a fruit of Hindu origin not very known, but very beneficial at the time of losing weight. In fact, it is one of the natural fat burners par excellence. The weight loss properties of garcinia cambogia are:
Diuretic properties: Garcinia has great digestive properties that help reduce constipation and eliminate toxins, among others. In addition, this fruit eliminates lipogenesis, the process by which sugars are converted into fats. This, combined with its powerful fat burning effect, would help a lot to lose weight.
Satiating properties: In addition, garcinia cambogia satisfies very quickly, so it eliminates the feeling of hunger. This is great for those who have difficulty curbing their appetite.
Fat burning properties: This is the property for which this oriental fruit is most known, since its fat burning properties are more potent than other foods, so combined with a healthy diet and exercise could give really miraculous results.
Apple - A healthy and sweet Satiating
Another of the best-known foods to lose weight is the apple. And not only is it famous for it but also because if it is eaten with skin and bites, it helps to strengthen and clean the teeth. Among the slimming properties of the apple, include:
Detoxifying properties: One of the main properties of the apple is that it contains detoxifying and diuretic properties since it is formed mainly by water. In this way, the apple would help us eliminate toxins through the urine, as well as reduce the fluid retention of our body, which would help us look thinner.
Satiating properties: The apple is rich in fiber and, since the fiber is slow to digest, this would help to reduce our appetite and not need to snack between meals. This is perfect if you are one of those who can not avoid eating cookies and other snacks every day.
Reduce the desire for sweet: Since the apple (like other fruits) contains fructose, the natural sugar of fruit and other vegetables when eating it you will not need to eat chocolate and other sweets for nothing healthy since your organism will already have Pretty sugar.
n addition, it is a very healthy food with very few calories, so it is essential to a healthy and balanced diet, especially if you want to lose weight. If you want to know more, you can read this other article on How to lose weight with apple.
Diuretic properties: Papaya contains large amounts of fiber, so it helps eliminate fluid retention, fight cellulite and eliminate toxins through urine and sweat.
Anti-inflammatory properties: Among others, papaya also contains great anti-inflammatory properties, due on the one hand, to help eliminate liquids, and on the other to help eliminate gases. Which makes it excellent for losing weight.
Digestive Properties: however, the slimming property that most characterizes papaya is its excellent ability to break down the protein fiber of the meat we consume, thereby neutralizing gastric acids and, therefore, preventing the formation of gases. All this is thanks to papain, the enzyme of papaya.
In this way, with papaya, you can include meat in your diet to lose weight without any fear. Also, if you are going to take papaya to lose weight, do not throw away the seeds! In fact, in them is where we most find the slimming properties of the papaya. If you want a to know more, you will find more information in this other article on How to lose weight with papaya.
Diuretic Properties: the components of cactus will help you improve intestinal transit and eliminate fluid retention, avoiding, in addition, the absorption of excess fats and sugars.
Satiating properties: the nopal is a fruit that, with a little bit of ingestion, quickly eliminates the desire to eat. This is perfect for losing weight because if we eat less, less fat we will accumulate. Of course, we must take into account that diets should eat everything and not just satiating foods.
Fat burning properties: the fiber that contains the cactus absorbs 30% more fat from your body than other fibers. Because of this, we could consider that nopal is an excellent fat burner and is ideal for weight loss.
Of course, to lose weight with cactus, you have to consume the fruit directly and not manipulate it with other foods. In addition, the nopal is ideal because it barely contains calories (less than 17 kcal, exactly) and much less fat. On the other hand, it is very rich in minerals. Do not miss this other article on How to lose weight with nopal.

Diuretic Properties: the pineapple contains a large amount of water and fiber. In this way, it helps eliminate fluid retention, improves intestinal transit and eliminates toxins from our body, helping us not only to lose weight but also to feel better.
Satiating Properties: the pineapple contains 85% water, which makes us feel satiated with just a few slices. This is perfect for people with obesity problems. In fact, the so-called pineapple diet is still widely used today.
Rich in vitamin and Minerals: the pineapple is very rich in nutrients, which, together with the amount of water, means that we do not need to eat in several hours, because in addition to satisfying us, it provides us with important vitamins and minerals essential for our body.
Digestive properties: Noni is an excellent ally to improve the digestion process, as well as to purify the body of toxins and fats through the urine. Therefore, one of the best options for weight loss is noni.
Fat burning properties: this oriental fruit also helps to lose weight because it reduces the accumulated fat in our body so that consuming this fruit will not only enrich us (it has a lot of vitamins and minerals), but we will also lose weight.
Anti-inflammatory Properties: Noni is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antihistamine. Therefore, it is usually used to combat allergies and other health problems. In addition, being anti-inflammatory, it would help to reduce the belly inflammation, eliminating the gases retained in the intestinal transit.
Stimulates the production of serotonin: in addition to all the above, noni is widely known because it helps produce more serotonin, ie, the hormone of happiness. This makes the noni a powerful natural antidepressant that, in addition, helps to heal and regulate the body, physically promoting weight loss and helping us not to decay at any time during our diet.
Diuretic and detoxifying properties: Aloe vera contains aloin A, a substance that helps detoxify the body and stimulate the bowel movement. In this way, we will reduce constipation, gas, abdominal inflammation and eliminate waste through urine and feces.
Fat burning properties: The phytosterols that aloe vera or aloe contains helps to eliminate naturally accumulated fat in our body, decomposing it and reducing it to nothing. In this way, aloe vera has today become a potent natural fat burner, making it perfect in a diet to lose weight.
Accelerates metabolism: Aloe, incredible as it may seem, also helps accelerate metabolism because it stimulates the receptors of nutrients, so they would work faster and, therefore, we would burn fat faster while absorbing better the energy of the nutrients.
Diuretic properties: Guarana is perfect to reduce fluid retention, as well as to eliminate toxins harmful to our body through urine. This is ideal for weight loss since the accumulated toxins end up becoming fat deposits difficult to eliminate.
Satisfactory properties: Guarana also has a great satiating effect, so you will reduce your appetite for hours and avoid falling into the temptation of taking snacks, sweet or savory. In addition, it also reduces the anxiety for food, making it ideal for times of stress and for all those people who have problems limiting their appetite.
Fat burning properties: Something amazing about guarana is that it helps us to release adrenaline, which would naturally burn more calories than normal, even when at rest, ideal for all those people who wonder how to lose weight while sleeping. However, adrenaline also helps us to be more energetic. Perfect for athletes and sedentary!
It accelerates the metabolism: Finally, it is important to comment that the guarana helps to accelerate the organism due to its high levels of caffeine. In this way, our organism would burn the accumulated fat faster, which would be perfect to lose weight.
On the other hand, if what you want is to lose weight without dieting, that is, eating everything, it is possible as long as your metabolism is accelerated and you exercise a lot, either at home or in the gym. Otherwise, you can not burn those calories you eat.
This article is only informative. We do not have the faculty to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We offer you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to How to lose weight with food, we recommend you to enter our category of Health.
n addition, it is a very healthy food with very few calories, so it is essential to a healthy and balanced diet, especially if you want to lose weight. If you want to know more, you can read this other article on How to lose weight with apple.
Papaya - Breaks down the Fiber of the Meat
Papaya is another of the star products to lose weight. This fruit, sometimes ignored, contains many slimming properties. Among the most important, include:Diuretic properties: Papaya contains large amounts of fiber, so it helps eliminate fluid retention, fight cellulite and eliminate toxins through urine and sweat.
Anti-inflammatory properties: Among others, papaya also contains great anti-inflammatory properties, due on the one hand, to help eliminate liquids, and on the other to help eliminate gases. Which makes it excellent for losing weight.
Digestive Properties: however, the slimming property that most characterizes papaya is its excellent ability to break down the protein fiber of the meat we consume, thereby neutralizing gastric acids and, therefore, preventing the formation of gases. All this is thanks to papain, the enzyme of papaya.
In this way, with papaya, you can include meat in your diet to lose weight without any fear. Also, if you are going to take papaya to lose weight, do not throw away the seeds! In fact, in them is where we most find the slimming properties of the papaya. If you want a to know more, you will find more information in this other article on How to lose weight with papaya.
Nopal - absorbs fat from other foods
Another of the least known but ideal foods to lose weight is undoubtedly the cactus. This fruit, product of the Mexican cactus Opuntia, contains great slimming properties, among which are:Diuretic Properties: the components of cactus will help you improve intestinal transit and eliminate fluid retention, avoiding, in addition, the absorption of excess fats and sugars.
Satiating properties: the nopal is a fruit that, with a little bit of ingestion, quickly eliminates the desire to eat. This is perfect for losing weight because if we eat less, less fat we will accumulate. Of course, we must take into account that diets should eat everything and not just satiating foods.
Fat burning properties: the fiber that contains the cactus absorbs 30% more fat from your body than other fibers. Because of this, we could consider that nopal is an excellent fat burner and is ideal for weight loss.
Of course, to lose weight with cactus, you have to consume the fruit directly and not manipulate it with other foods. In addition, the nopal is ideal because it barely contains calories (less than 17 kcal, exactly) and much less fat. On the other hand, it is very rich in minerals. Do not miss this other article on How to lose weight with nopal.

Pineapple - All water and nutrients
Another food that certainly could not miss in this top 10 of the best foods to lose weight is pineapple. The pineapple is perfect for weight loss because it contains the following properties:Diuretic Properties: the pineapple contains a large amount of water and fiber. In this way, it helps eliminate fluid retention, improves intestinal transit and eliminates toxins from our body, helping us not only to lose weight but also to feel better.
Satiating Properties: the pineapple contains 85% water, which makes us feel satiated with just a few slices. This is perfect for people with obesity problems. In fact, the so-called pineapple diet is still widely used today.
Rich in vitamin and Minerals: the pineapple is very rich in nutrients, which, together with the amount of water, means that we do not need to eat in several hours, because in addition to satisfying us, it provides us with important vitamins and minerals essential for our body.
Noni - healthy and slim at the same time
Another of the best foods to lose weight is noni, a fruit native to India and Polynesia with great properties for health. Noni, also called the devil's fruit in some places, also contains multiple slimming properties, such as the following:Digestive properties: Noni is an excellent ally to improve the digestion process, as well as to purify the body of toxins and fats through the urine. Therefore, one of the best options for weight loss is noni.
Fat burning properties: this oriental fruit also helps to lose weight because it reduces the accumulated fat in our body so that consuming this fruit will not only enrich us (it has a lot of vitamins and minerals), but we will also lose weight.
Anti-inflammatory Properties: Noni is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antihistamine. Therefore, it is usually used to combat allergies and other health problems. In addition, being anti-inflammatory, it would help to reduce the belly inflammation, eliminating the gases retained in the intestinal transit.
Stimulates the production of serotonin: in addition to all the above, noni is widely known because it helps produce more serotonin, ie, the hormone of happiness. This makes the noni a powerful natural antidepressant that, in addition, helps to heal and regulate the body, physically promoting weight loss and helping us not to decay at any time during our diet.
Aloe vera - Detoxifies and Slims
Most people know the healing properties of aloe vera or aloe, but ... did you know that it can also be consumed to eliminate fat from our body? The slimming properties of aloe vera are the following:Diuretic and detoxifying properties: Aloe vera contains aloin A, a substance that helps detoxify the body and stimulate the bowel movement. In this way, we will reduce constipation, gas, abdominal inflammation and eliminate waste through urine and feces.
Fat burning properties: The phytosterols that aloe vera or aloe contains helps to eliminate naturally accumulated fat in our body, decomposing it and reducing it to nothing. In this way, aloe vera has today become a potent natural fat burner, making it perfect in a diet to lose weight.
Accelerates metabolism: Aloe, incredible as it may seem, also helps accelerate metabolism because it stimulates the receptors of nutrients, so they would work faster and, therefore, we would burn fat faster while absorbing better the energy of the nutrients.
Guarana - perfect for athletes and sedentary
And we finish this list of the 10 best foods to lose weight with guarana, one of the fruits with greater slimming properties that exist. Among them, they stand out:Diuretic properties: Guarana is perfect to reduce fluid retention, as well as to eliminate toxins harmful to our body through urine. This is ideal for weight loss since the accumulated toxins end up becoming fat deposits difficult to eliminate.
Satisfactory properties: Guarana also has a great satiating effect, so you will reduce your appetite for hours and avoid falling into the temptation of taking snacks, sweet or savory. In addition, it also reduces the anxiety for food, making it ideal for times of stress and for all those people who have problems limiting their appetite.
Fat burning properties: Something amazing about guarana is that it helps us to release adrenaline, which would naturally burn more calories than normal, even when at rest, ideal for all those people who wonder how to lose weight while sleeping. However, adrenaline also helps us to be more energetic. Perfect for athletes and sedentary!
It accelerates the metabolism: Finally, it is important to comment that the guarana helps to accelerate the organism due to its high levels of caffeine. In this way, our organism would burn the accumulated fat faster, which would be perfect to lose weight.
How to lose weight without diet
Now that you know these fat burning foods to lose weight eating, it is important to remember that the best way to lose weight is to lead a healthy lifestyle, which includes a healthy diet and daily exercise. Taking only these foods is not good or suitable for weight loss. And, although it is best to go to a nutritionist or specialist to make your personalized weight loss menus, with these foods that we have brought here you can also make some other table of meals to lose weight with a balanced diet.On the other hand, if what you want is to lose weight without dieting, that is, eating everything, it is possible as long as your metabolism is accelerated and you exercise a lot, either at home or in the gym. Otherwise, you can not burn those calories you eat.
This article is only informative. We do not have the faculty to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We offer you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to How to lose weight with food, we recommend you to enter our category of Health.
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