The hair is the frame of the face and one of the biggest beauty concerns. Keeping it healthy and well-groomed is something that all women pursue, but in addition, wearing beautiful, straight hair requires extra work that requires tools such as the hairdryer or the iron to make it look smooth and beautiful. The problem is that abusing this type of apparatus, which provides excessive heat to the hair, is harmful since it weakens and dries it out. Therefore, in this article, we give you some home remedies to straighten hair.
Follow these steps:
A home remedy to straighten hair is to apply extra virgin olive oil and a little honey, it is important that the oil is an extra virgin so that it does not have any additives. The oil gets smooth the hair naturally and causes it to become more manageable, softer and easier to comb.We suggest making a mask based on these two products, for this, in a bowl put extra virgin olive oil and a little honey, stir the mixture until it is dense and uniform and apply it to all your hair. Cover the head with plastic wrap and let it act for an hour. Finally, wash, as usual, you will notice that it is easier to straighten your hair and it will be much brighter and softer.
A product that acts as a natural straightener is coconut milk. They sell it already prepared in herbalists, but you must make sure that it does not contain additives because they alter its properties. If not, you can also make it yourself with a few pieces of coconut and a little lemon juice, liquefying them or mixing them with an electric rod. Apply the product to all hair and cover it with a hot towel. When half an hour passes, wash your hair regularly and you will see that it is smoother and with no frizz.
The tap is still a home remedy to straighten hair that works very well. It was used in the past, when the plates did not exist, giving excellent results. It consists of leaving the hair to air dry and combing it, then, on the crown part, take a piece of hair with a large curler hooking it to the bottom in a tight way, and then take locks of hair around by combing it and holding it with forks as tight as possible. When all the hair is collected, cover with a handkerchief and leave it for at least two hours. Just before removing it, run the dryer over the entire head to set the straightening. You will see that it is much smoother and with natural volume.
Having hydrated hair is a way to straighten hair naturally. We recommend using conditioner every time you wash your hair and apply a mask once a week, also, to comb it, use medium to tip serum with your hair still wet. It is also highly recommended to rinse the hair with cold water since the excess heat dries it out a lot. You will see that having it hydrated and cared for, it can be smoothed more easily.