How to become a better person day by day
February 08, 2018
There are many have volunteered to be more pleasant, kind of good in their daily lives. But after a while trying to give up, being a better person does not mean becoming a Mother Teresa of Calcutta or Edhi of Karachi overnight. If you really want to reach this goal. We give you keys so that you can discover how to be a better person progressively in a simple way.
Steps to be Followed for a better person:
- Be polite: say hello, good night, say hello to your neighbors. If you meet them in the building or in the street, to your colleagues when they arrive at the office, "hello, how are you?" It does not require any effort and it will not take more than two seconds to pronounce it.
- In the same streak, be grateful: When someone has taken the comb of doing you good, doing something for you, helping you, answering a suede, let him know that you notice it with a simple " Thank you". To avoid this you will look like a badly-bred person and for many as a bad person
- If you want to be a better person. Try to be more available for the other. When your mother calls you to tell you what happened to her. When someone needs help, even in the street to ask for an address. Hence when it's something you can manage it invests minutes of your day to be available to another and listen to it or do him in favour.
- Sharing with people who love and appreciate you, even if they do not ask you to repay their love, the least you can do is treat them the same way. Be nice to them and plan quality time with the important people.
- For many, it is easy to be nice to whom you treat well. But the real challenge is to be with those who constantly show their bad education. It is clear that everything has its limits but on many occasions. A polite greeting or a kind gesture is the best way to show the other one's behavior without having to behave like him. Try to be a good person or at least not mean to those who are not nice to you.
- Practice being more patient in everyday life while you are in a row at the supermarket, with the elderly, with your parents, with your children. What is the situation puts you at the limit? Try to breathe and not to explode, at times we use unfairly with those who do not do the accumulated tension, avoid it and try to be a better person.
- Do not confuse kindness and stupidity. Some people think that kind person, noble and helping others sound stupid. If you are one of those you should rethink your ideas. Because that will expand to another, be educated and be accessible. When you do not have to understand our intelligence, learn to be intuitive and know. When someone wants to take advantage of you and when they really need your help.
This article is simply informative. We do not have the faculty of prescribing medical treatment or diagnosis. We invite you to go to the doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
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Try to be a better person for you, this is the best way to start
It's not easy to control our character and be nice even if we're not in the mood. But remember that's the real challenge.