How to Fight against the Cold and Flu with Home Remedies

February 08, 2018

Due to Changes in temperature, cold, wind, heat, the arrival of winter and even the arrival of summer and the use of air conditioning, always translate into one thing: colds and more colds. And although preventing them is possible, once we feel sick there is nothing else to do but try to heal us as soon as possible. But not only in medicine is the solution, some tricks at home will help you feel much better. We explain how to fight the cold with home remedies.

Steps to be followed:

There is a classic and effective combination to make us feel good and relieve the cold: it is honey and lemon. You can take a teaspoon of honey with the juice of half a lemon or mix them with a hot infusion. The hot liquid will relieve symptoms such as a sore throat. It will make you feel comforted and it will make your nose decongest. But also the lemon provides vitamin C and honey is a natural antibiotic. That will help you fight against possible infections.

It is undoubtedly one of the most popular and effective home remedies for the cold.
If that cold has completely blocked your nose producing an annoying sensation. There is a simple way to alleviate this symptom and breathe better: steam. Put water and some eucalyptus plants in a pot, wait for it to boil and release its aroma. Turn off the fire and with great caution approach the pot and breathe its vapors to make this home remedy more effective.  You can surround your face with a towel, in this way the steam will be more concentrated.
If your cold only consists of malaise, sneezing and a little headache, honey with warm milk is also a great home remedy to relieve you. This option is only recommended when there is no mucus or phlegm. Because milk usually increases its production, so only resort to this recipe. If you are free of phlegm you will see how it works!
Ginger is one of the best natural antibiotics that exist. Simply boil some water and pour fresh ginger in the pot, boil for 5 minutes and then remove and let stand for 5 more minutes, then take the infusion. Repeat several times a day and you will notice the results, your cold will go sooner than you think.

If you wish you can add a little honey to this infusion to enhance its effects.

Another effective home remedy for the cold that will allow you to completely eliminate nasal congestion is saline. This simple preparation that you can do at home in a few steps is wonderful to rid your nose of congestion, fighting one of the most annoying symptoms of this condition.
If you also have throat discomfort. We invite you to read our article how to treat a sore throat, with home-made recommendations to relieve discomfort.
Remember that in addition to the home remedies to relieve the cold. It is very important that you rest properly, so you will recover quickly and return to your daily activities.
This article is merely informative. We do not have the faculty to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
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