How to get pregnant Fastly : The best advice you need to know

February 14, 2018

You've had the talk, you've given up birth control and you're ready to start trying to conceive. But your body does not always act fast, so be sure you know how to prepare and stay healthy in the meantime. Before leaving everything to destiny, here are some useful tips on how to maximize your chances of getting pregnant.

How to plan for pregnancy

To really increase your chances of a quick conception, think about your lifestyle. To consider:

  1.  Give up smoking
  2.  Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink or leave it altogether. Alcoholic beverages can affect not only your fertility but also that of your partner.
  3.  Reduce caffeine intake, as this can also slow down conception. Switch to herbal teas for the moment.
  4. Take a folic acid supplement (400 micrograms per day until 12 weeks of pregnancy) or a prenatal vitamin that includes folic acid, which is essential for healthy fetal development.

How long have you been pregnant?

Most of the time, a healthy couple who has frequent unprotected sex will get pregnant within a year. A study by the Mayo Clinic showed that 38% of women became pregnant after one month. But that it increased to almost 70% after three months, 81% after six months and 92% after 12 months.
Therefore, for those who are less than 30 years old or younger. It is normal and healthy to try for a year before being successful. This is because, technically, you only have a 1 in 5 chance of conceiving each month. So luck plays an important role in the length of the process. Even if you are closely monitoring your ovulation cycle. If you are over 35 and not pregnant after 6 months of trying. It may be worthwhile to visit your doctor and look for fertility treatment options.

How to align your pregnancy plan with your ovulation cycle

Women are only fertile for a few days each month. So knowing that you are having sex at the right time will definitely improve your chances.
Simply place the first day of your last period and the duration of your cycle and it will show you the optimal days to try to conceive each month. It is also worth buying an over-the-counter ovulation test kit. So you can track your fertility window and increase your chances.

Sexual tips to maximize conception

  1. Do not use lubricant, as if it were more comfortable, some lubricants are not suitable for sperm and could cause sperm to die before reaching the ovum.
  2. Do nothing to actively raise your body temperature after sex. For example, strenuous exercise or taking a hot bath. Sperm begins to lose their motility and viability, the higher the temperature of their environment.
  3. Use the best sexual positions to get pregnant

Have you taken any steps for a healthy pregnancy?

Your weight can not only play a role in how quickly you get pregnant, as it can affect the frequency of ovulation and can also affect your health during pregnancy.
Calculate your body mass index by putting your height and weight in an online BMI calculator. If the results show that you have a higher or lower weight. Your GP can refer you to a dietitian or recommend an exercise program to help you achieve your ideal BMI and get your body in the best conditions to conceive.

What foods are good to get pregnant?

Diet is not only important for health, it can also affect your fertility. Making sure to include certain healthy foods in your diet will ensure that your body is not deficient in any of the key nutrients and vitamins for raising babies. Here are our recommendations:

• Spinach
• Bananas
• Eggs
• Fortified cereals
• Beans, lentils, nuts

Spinach is a leafy green that is key to the healthy production of ovules and sperm, as it contains zinc. Bananas are rich in vitamin B6, which helps regulate hormones, and fortified eggs and cereals help you get the fair share of vitamin D. Lack of vitamin D has been associated with an increase in infertility rates. Finally, beans, lentils, and nuts are known as fertility stimulants because they are filled with a great plant-based protein!
Take a look at super fertility foods to get many more ideas.

When to seek medical advice

If it has been more than a year, visit your GP. They will be able to refer it to specialists who will carry out a series of fertility test to see if there is the medical reason why you have been struggling to convience.

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