How to Imporve the Uterus after an Abortion

February 21, 2018

An abortion, whether voluntary or natural, represents an accumulation of emotional and, above all, physical changes for women. Normally it does not tend to present serious complications, however, one of the most affected organs is the uterus.

The uterus or womb is the organ where pregnancy is carried out and with the passage of time, many alternatives have been found to be able to heal it after a curettage. Today we bring you the best options if you do not know how to improve the uterus after an abortion.

Symptoms after an Abortion

Upon abortion, the uterus loses a large amount of blood and is affected due to the detachment of the fetus outside the womb; this causes considerable damage to the reproductive organ, causing both physical and hormonal effects in the short and long term. One of the biggest fears in the woman who has suffered an abortion is not being able to get pregnant again or suffer from any major problem.

It is normal to have pain at the level of the belly and lower back, as well as moderate bleeding very similar to menstruation. However, there are somewhat more alarming symptoms :

  1. Sickness
  2. Dizziness
  3. Vomiting
  4. Fever
  5. Vaginal odor
  6. Very heavy or coagulous blood
  7. Hardening in the lower belly area
  8. Accelerated pulse

It is important to go to emergencies immediately if you have any of the symptoms described above, as this can mean a possible infection inside the uterus or hemorrhages that should stop.

Advice to strengthen the matrix

Rest, good nutrition and being calm will be paramount when it comes to recovering the health of the uterus after this event. The first step to returning to its natural state is to prevent infection at all costs, this will also be of great help to start with the regenerative process of the matrix.

It is essential to drink plenty of fluids: As well as eating fruits rich in vitamin C, such as orange, pineapple or mango; excellent natural antibiotics.
Maintain good vaginal hygiene. Bathe constantly but avoid douching or sitz baths.
Avoid having sex: Especially with penetration during the days of bleeding, at least about forty days after the abortion.
Eliminates tobacco and alcohol consumption: both influence blood circulation, which, in that state, it is better not to alter.
Maintain a light diet: With the low content of sugars and carbohydrates, as well as consume green vegetables and avoid frying.
Do not make physical efforts: The best thing is that you rest as much as possible.
After spending all this stage after the abortion, it is essential to begin to strengthen the uterus with the help of food, home remedies, and exercises. This is essential if you want to get pregnant again or just to recover completely. 

Natural plants and exercises to strengthen the uterus

The best natural remedies to strengthen the uterus are:

Oats: it is an excellent food to combat stress and depression. Thanks to its high content of iron, zinc, and magnesium are essential to recover the strength of the body in general, due to the loss of blood generated by the abortion.
Raspberry leaves: According to studies, the consumption of these leaves helps strengthen, repair and tone the ligaments and muscles of the uterus. The best way to consume them is by making an infusion with two tablespoons of leaves and a cup of water. Consuming it three times a day for two weeks will help you regain the health of the womb.
Garlic: It is a natural antibiotic par excellence that will help prevent any complication. The idea is to consume it raw, either in salads or meals so as not to lose its benefits.
Kegel exercises: these exercises are responsible for strengthening the vaginal muscles helping to rebuild the sagging of the uterus. There are slow or fast exercises, but mostly they are characterized by contracting and relaxing the muscles at intervals of time. Pressing against the pelvic floor for 30 seconds, relaxing another 30 more and repeating it 10 times in a row, you will begin to exercise the vaginal walls.

Infusions in general such as chamomile, linden, ginger or oregano are of great help to relieve pain, cramps, and cramps. In the case of tranquilizing teas, you can consume them based on lettuce, lavender or valerian. 

This article is merely informative. We do not have the faculty to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We offer you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to improve the uterus after an abortion, we recommend you to enter our category of  Health.

  • Remember that an abortion means emotional and physical changes, therefore, avoid situations of stress to the maximum.
  • If you find yourself sad or with signs of depression, seek professional help from a therapist or psychologist.

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