How to Git Rid the Pimples from the Buttocks
February 22, 2018
That acne invades your buttocks as well as uncomfortable is very unsightly. Has it ever happened to you that you had to hide that embarrassing granite under the pareo. You Can not wear the bikini panties that you like the most because of the pimples. If you suffer from having acne on the buttocks, remove the bikini from the back of the closet and show off without fear. Below, we explain how to eliminate pimples from the buttocks quickly and effectively. Remember that although each skin is different there is always an adequate remedy for you. Try them!
Followed these Steps to Remove a Pimple:
The natural remedies can become your best allies to eliminate the pimples of the buttocks. A practice that can be healthy to solve this problem is to expose your buttocks to the sun whenever possible. If you have a patio or a private terrace, do not hesitate. The sun will help you to quickly dry excess oil from the skin. Of course, always use sunscreen. Remember also the harmful effects of the sun if you do not take it carefully.
You already know that lemon is a great ally when we want to prepare homemade and natural remedies. This citrus helps us to maintain a healthy skin and free of blemishes, thanks to its natural bleaching power, but it is also a magnificent cicatrizant. Therefore, lemon acid can be used to remove pimples from the buttocks.
You can rub a half of lemon on your buttocks or soak a wipe with your juice. Of course, if you have an injury to the skin it could sting you because the lemon is very acidic. Let the juice act for about half an hour and then rinse with cold water. If you do not want to do it with lemon, you can try apple cider vinegar another great ally for skin care.
There are essential oils that are very beneficial for skin care. This is the case, for example, tea tree oil or coconut oil, which can help you eliminate the pimples from the buttocks because they are naturally antibacterial and antifungal. Apply a few drops of these oils on cotton and gently rub your buttocks. It is a good daily treatment to make acne disappear in this area.
For example, tea tree oil can be a great ally to combat this skin condition because it is a natural antimicrobial that gets your skin clean and free of any infection. We discover the essential oils for acne with which you will improve your skin.
If the pimples of your buttocks are large, we advise you to apply cold in this area to reduce inflammation. Although it is not a specific treatment for the elimination of acne, it will relieve pain and reduce the size of the pimples immediately. Try ice cubes wrapped in a towel so you do not get burned.
As you know, aspirins are the analgesics par excellence. Besides relieving yourself of headaches, fighting fever or being good anticoagulants, they have multiple properties with which you can beautify your skin. Particularly, they have an anti-inflammatory power that will help you reduce acne, in addition to stimulating the elimination of dead cells or their healing effect.
To eliminate the pimples of the buttocks we encourage you to prepare an aspirin-based mask. Crush 4 or 5 tablets and mix with a tablespoon of warm water and a little honey or plain yogurt. Then spread the mask over the buttocks where it should be dried before rinsing. This treatment will help reduce acne of the buttocks. Works!
If the acne outbreaks in the buttocks are very severe, do not hesitate to go to your general practitioner or specialist dermatologist. He can prescribe topical lotions or creams that you can apply after each shower to reduce and treat the pimples of the buttocks. You can also get an oral treatment based on antibiotics. Always keep in mind the recommendations of your doctor and respect their guidelines and times to the letter.
Finally, if you want to prevent the appearance of pimples on the buttocks, keep in mind the following tips:
- Wash your buttocks daily (in the morning and at night).
- Use toilet paper free of fragrances or dyes.
- Exfoliate the buttocks once a week.
- Wash your underwear with hypoallergenic detergents.
- Try to wear loose and breathable underwear so that sweat does not accumulate in these areas. Cotton garments are the most recommended.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Hold a healthy and balanced diet away from fatty or sugary foods.
- Try not to spend many hours sitting, since this position helps the pores become clogged.