How to Remove Blackheads Fast with Tomato
February 22, 2018
We all dream of a clean complexion, free of marks, spots, and acne. When we do not offer our face the necessary care and hygiene. It is common for the unpleasant black spots to appear, which are nothing more than the obstruction of the pore by the accumulation of dead cells and impurities. To eliminate black spots there are many home remedies and one of the most effective is to use tomatoes.
Followed these Steps:
Before knowing how to remove blackheads with tomatoes, it is necessary to explain why tomatoes are good for removing blackheads. It turns out that one of the main properties of the tomato is its astringent effect, which acts on the face uncovering the pores and allowing impurities to come out more easily.The first thing you must do to remove the black spots with tomato is to cleanse your face. Remove all makeup from your face, if you wear it, and then wash your skin with a special soap according to your skin type. Once your face is completely clean, apply a little hot steam so that the pores will have better absorbed the astringent properties of the tomato.
To remove the black spots with tomato, chop or cut one of these fruits in half and extract all the contents of one of the parts. Store the other half in the refrigerator so it does not get lost. Apply the content extracted from the half of tomato on your face and let it rest for at least 20 minutes. Then rinse your face with warm water.
You can also prepare a mask to remove the black spots with tomato. Mix two slices of tomato, with aloe vera gel and a tablespoon of sea salt. When the parts are well integrated, apply the mask on your face and let it rest for 20 minutes. Then rinse your face with warm water. If you left over a mask you can store it in the fridge to apply the next day.
Exfoliation is an ideal technique to eliminate black spots on the face. You can prepare a tomato scrub by mashing the contents of half a tomato and mixing it with two tablespoons of sugar and two tablespoons of honey. When the mixture is ready to apply on your face and massage constantly for 15 minutes, then rinse your face with cold water.
You can also remove the black spots with a tomato by chopping a tomato in half and submerging the inner side of one of the halves in salt. This half that is full of salt pass directly through your face and massages the area where you have more black spots for 15 minutes. Use the tomato as if it were a kind of sponge and then rinse your face. This technique also has an exfoliating effect.
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