How to use chamomile tea for Acne - Very Effective Remedy

February 22, 2018

Chamomile, also known by the name of chamomile, is a plant that belongs to the family of the compound and that is native to some regions of Asia Minor. Chamomile is an aromatic herb that has traditionally been used as an infusion for its medicinal properties. It is especially to treat some digestive problems in a natural way as well as to reduce insomnia. However, this plant is becoming increasingly popular in the world of beauty, as its properties make it an excellent natural remedy for the healthy skin.

Among its uses for the skin, chamomile stands out as an excellent treatment to reduce some impurities of the face such as acne and excess fat. That is why we teach you how to use chamomile tea for acne and to be able to look like a perfect complexion. Keep reading!

Nutritional Composition of Chamomile

Chamomile is a plant from which its flowers are extracted for their various health properties, which are popularly used in the form of tea or infusion. These benefits are due to the following nutritional composition of chamomile :

  • Chamomile is a plant that has a richness in different acids, especially in anthemic acid. It also has a good content of the following: salicylic, pectic, genetical, caffeic and quartz, among others.
  • It also has a high content of essential oils such as camazuleno, farneseno, furfural, and cadineno, among others.
  • Chamomile is an herb that contains coumarins, a substance rich in antivitamin K that is known for its anticoagulant properties.
  • It has healthy fatty acids, such as omega 6 and omega 9 fats.
  • This aromatic herb also contains some vitamins: C, A and group B.
  • Finally, chamomile also has other nutrients such as flavonoids, carbohydrates, and mucilages.

Properties and benefits of chamomile for the skin

Thanks to its nutritional wealth, chamomile has great properties and benefits for the dermis. These are the main properties and benefits of chamomile for the skin :

  • Chamomile is a very powerful remedy to reduce excess acne of the face or other parts of the body since it has excellent antiseptic properties that make it a natural tonic for the skin. In addition, these properties are also quite useful to reduce both the excess fat and the open pores of our face.
  • This plant is also used to relieve irritations and discomfort in the skin, such as sunburn and insect bites. The infusion of chamomile is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory due to its richness in flavonoids and other antioxidants.
  • These anti-inflammatory properties also make chamomile an excellent treatment to reduce both eye bags and other signs of fatigue, such as dark circles.
  • Its richness in mucilage, a kind of soluble fiber, gives this vegetable excellent moisturizing properties that will deeply hydrate your skin leaving it soft and radiant.
  • Finally, its richness in antioxidants gives this plant excellent bleaching properties that will help reduce and prevent dark spots that appear on the face, either by age, by an excess of the sun or, precisely, the remaining spots due to acne scars.

How to use chamomile Tea to Treat Acne Step by Step

Now that you know the benefits and properties of this wonderful plant for the skin, next we will explain how to use chamomile tea for facial acne, although you can apply it equally in other parts of the body in which you have this problem. For this, you will need the following ingredients and follow these instructions:


  • 4 bags of chamomile
  • 1 cup of water
  • Cotton discs

Preparation and treatment

  • Take a saucepan and add a cup of water. Put it to boil in the fire until half of the water you have added is in the pot.
  • When half of the water has been consumed, add the 4 bags of chamomile to the saucepan with the boiled water. Turn off the heat and let the sachets rest in the water for 30 minutes with the saucepan covered.
  • Once the time has passed, strain the drink in a bowl or container and store it in the refrigerator for approximately 15 minutes to cool it down. You'll have chamomile tea ready to treat acne.
  • With the face completely clean and dry, apply cotton disks dipped in chamomile tea on the areas where granites are present and let them rest on the face for half an hour.
  • Finally, remove the cotton discs you had on your face and remove the remains of chamomile with plenty of warm water.
  • To notice results with this natural remedy, you will have to apply chamomile tea between 2 and 3 times a week until you notice less acne on the face.

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