How to Git Rid of Acne Spots Using Baking Soda
February 22, 2018
Acne is one of the skin conditions that cause most problems -generally aesthetic- to the majority of the population, especially during the teenage years. In some cases, when they reach that age, they do not leave behind acne, but during their adult life reappear outbreaks from time to time. In others, the damage done to the skin remains in the form of spots that become very difficult to remove.
These spots and scars caused by acne are a source of frustration for many people. We want to give you a homemade solution so you know how to remove acne spots with bicarbonate, without having to spend a lot of money on expensive treatments.
You will need to:
- Sodium bicarbonate
- Water
- Lemon juice
Follow These Steps:
Baking soda is an essential product in any house, for all its benefits and properties we are talking about an authentic multipurpose. It can be used for cleaning, to alkalize the body, helps to have better digestions and also serves to whiten the skin and eliminate acne spots. If you want to know how to use it, keep reading this article.
The treatment with sodium bicarbonate must be punctual, both in time and space. With this we mean that it is not a mask that will cover all the skin or the entire face, it should simply be used and applied to the areas of your body where you have the marks caused by acne.
Nor can it be used indefinitely, it must be done twice a week for two or three weeks and observe if the evolution is correct. The products used, especially baking soda and lemon, help to dry your skin, making it easier for stains to disappear, but an abuse can lead to drying the skin and worsen the results.
To make the paste that you will apply you must mix in a bowl or any other container, baking soda, lemon juice, and water. You can not give an exact amount because depending on the extent of the area where you are going to apply it you will need more or less. What you should know is that you should have a thick paste, when you put it is compact.
With a piece of cotton, apply the paste to the areas marked by acne and massage the skin giving small circular movements until the skin has absorbed much of the product.
After two minutes of massage and 5 minutes more to let it rest, you can remove the mixture by washing your face with fresh water.
The crystals that make up the bicarbonate, along with the circular massage, are a perfect scrub to clean the pores and prevent new marks and spots. In addition, its acidity will help whiten the areas where the skin has darkened because of acne.
Once the treatment is finished, rinse the face well with water for a while and apply moisturizing cream, for example, aloe vera, abundantly to prevent the skin of the face from drying out.
Immediately after doing this homemade exfoliation with bicarbonate for acne spots you should avoid direct exposure to sunlight, at least for a long time, so we recommend that you do it at night, before going to sleep.
While the sun is good for drying the skin and improving the appearance of acne, the truth is that an overexposure will change the tone of your skin leaving much more marked spots.
If you want to read more articles similar to How to Get Rid of Acne Spots Using Baking Soda. We recommend you to enter our Beauty category.
- If you have sensitive skin, it is advisable to include aloe vera in the mixture.
- It is not a daily treatment, more than twice a week is already too much.