Blood Pressure : What are the Normal Blood Pressure Values
March 07, 2018
Taking the tension or measuring our blood pressure is a routine act that we must carry out to verify that we do not suffer any health problem related to a decompensated blood pressure, such as hypertension (high blood pressure) or hypotension (low blood pressure) ) among many others. Because of this, it is essential to know how to take the voltage, but it is also necessary to understand the results of this measurement and that is why in this article we explain in detail what are the normal blood pressure values.
What factors should be taken into account when taking blood pressure
First of all, it is important to highlight the fact that there are many factors that influence the blood pressure values of each person, such as sex, age, habits, diet, etc. As well as other variables of the moment in which the tension is taken as the effort, the digestion, the emotions, the exciting ones, the dream, among other factors.
It is for all these circumstances - along with many others - that the numbers have a relative reliability and must be accompanied by the study of all the factors involved. Even so, normal values have been established, within which, and taking into account a wide margin, it is considered that the blood pressure is correct.
What the Values Indicate
The first of the values will be indicated in the column of mercury in the sphygmomanometer, indicating the maximum pressure of the blood in the arterial network, which corresponds to the contraction of the ventricle or systole of our heart. While the second number will indicate the minimum blood pressure in the arteries, the diastolic pressure, corresponding to the maximum relaxation of the ventricle.
In most countries, the voltage is expressed in millimeters of mercury, although in the Hispanic world it is usually indicated in centimeters. So here we would talk, for example, of a voltage of 12 and 8, while in other parts we would say 120 and 80. What this value indicates is that our voltage is capable of raising the column of mercury by 12 cm.
Table of Normal Blood Pressure Values
Those considered as normal values of blood pressure are the following:
- The systolic pressure between 10 and 14 cm Hg (100 and 140 mm)
- The diastolic pressure between 6 and 9 cm Hg (60 and 90 mm)
The most advisable thing would be to have a systolic pressure that does not exceed 12 cm (maximum 13) and the diastolic pressure below 9 cm Hg. It should be noted that with age, the tension tends to rise since the blood vessels lose elasticity. Normal values of blood pressure are therefore somewhat higher than during adulthood.
Hypertension or high blood pressure occurs in values higher than 14 and 9, while values below 10 and 6 indicate hypotension or low tension. If you have a tendency to have high blood pressure or have a family history, we recommend that you read this article about keys to prevent hypertension. On the other hand, if you think you may suffer from hypotension, we invite you to read this other article so that you know what the symptoms of low blood pressure are.

Normal Values of Blood Pressure According to Age
As we have mentioned in the previous section, normal blood pressure levels usually vary according to age and also sex , so it is convenient to know what the figures are for each specific case, note:
16 to 18 years
Systolic pressure: 105 - 135 (man) / 100 - 130 (woman)
Diastolic pressure: 60 - 86 (man) / 60 - 85 (woman)
19 to 24 years old
Systolic pressure: 105 - 139 (man) / 100 - 130 (woman)
Diastolic pressure: 62 - 88 (male) / 60 - 85 (female)
25 - 29 years
Systolic pressure: 108 - 139 (man) / 102 - 135 (woman)
Diastolic pressure: 65 - 89 (man) / 60 - 86 (woman)
30 - 39 years
Systolic pressure: 110 - 145 (man) / 105 - 139 (woman)
Diastolic pressure: 68 - 92 (male) / 65 - 89 (female)
40 - 49 years
Systolic pressure: 110 - 150 (man) / 105 - 150 (woman)
Diastolic pressure: 70 - 96 (man) / 65 - 96 (woman)
50 -59 years
Systolic pressure: 115 - 155 (man) / 110 - 155 (woman)
Diastolic pressure: 70 - 98 (male) / 70 - 98 (female)
60 or more years
Systolic pressure: 115 - 160 (man) / 115 - 160 (woman)
Diastolic pressure: 70 - 100 (man) / 70 - 100 (woman)
How to Take Blood Pressure
Currently, the most used device to take the tension is the so-called sphygmomanometer, consisting of a bag and a rubber knob connected by a tube to the column of mercury that will register in centimeters our pressure. It is a very simple measurement, which does not involve any type of pain and is carried out very quickly.
The Importance of Maintaining Good Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is the force with which blood travels through our body, so it is important to maintain adequate values to ensure maximum heart health. High blood pressure is a very common condition that puts the health of the heart at risk, making us more prone to heart disease. Take a proper diet and take the medication indicated by a specialist.
On the other hand, low blood pressure, a less common disorder, can cause circulatory problems, frequent dizziness, and loss of consciousness. Having clear the way to act in the face of low tension and taking care of food is a priority to guarantee our well-being.
This article is only informative. We do not have the faculty to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Blood Pressure: What are the Normal Blood Pressure Values. We recommend you to enter our category of Health.
- Remember that if when measuring the tension the values do not coincide with the normal, what is commonly known as decompensated blood pressure, it is important to go to a specialist for a review.
- Caring for your blood pressure is the same as caring for your heart's health, so it's important to pay attention to this aspect.