What is the Range of Hemoglobin in the Blood
March 08, 2018
Normal levels of Hemoglobin in the Blood
Hemoglobin (Hb) is responsible for the fixation of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. You can determine total hemoglobin (= HbE) or only that which contains red blood cells or erythrocytes (= MCH). The value of this together with the red blood cells will determine a possible anemia.
The levels of hemoglobin often depend on good nutrition and regular exercise, but they are not the only triggers of the unevenness. Hemoglobin helps us to stay active since we receive the necessary oxygen for it and it eliminates carbon dioxide.
Hemoglobin levels depend on the sex of the person. For example, in adult men, normal levels will be when they are between 13.8 or 14 and 17.2 g / dL. In women, for example, levels are usually lower and levels between 12.1 and 15.1 g / dL are considered normal. This counting on not being pregnant. In case of a pregnant woman, the levels have to be at or above 11.0 g / dL.
In children, the levels vary and are not the same as in adults. It is very important that they have good levels of hemoglobin so that oxygenation helps development and growth. The normal hemoglobin levels in children, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), are for children of 11 g / dL or more children between 6 months and 4 years old. They are also normal levels in children from 5 to 12 years old. However, for the older ones, from 12 to 15 years old, normal levels would have to be 12.0 g / dL or more.
What it means to have Low Hemoglobin in the Blood
When the hemoglobin values are too low, what is known as anemia occurs, which is precisely the name given to the hemoglobin deficit disorder? In this case, it would be iron deficiency anemia due to a lack of iron. It may be due to malabsorption of this or poor nutrition with a low iron diet.
However, reduced values of hemoglobin can also be due to other diseases such as Crohn's disease or some diseases of the kidneys where hemoglobin could be reduced. When the hemoglobin values are very low, the symptoms that appear are tiredness, weakness or even headaches.
What it Means to have High Hemoglobin
High values of hemoglobin are also not good and can cause very serious damage. The reasons why a high level of hemoglobin may appear are polycythemia ( high levels of hemoglobin, opposed to anemia), brain tumors, a stroke (cerebral infarction or cerebrovascular accident) or meningitis.
People who do climbing or mountaineering can have high hemoglobin levels when they are in very high places.
Foods to Maintain Normal Levels of Hemoglobin in the Blood
Having a correct diet rich in iron can help improve iron production and hemoglobin levels since when the body does not have enough iron it will take it from other sources and the production of hemoglobin could decrease.
In addition, the diet must have adequate levels of vitamin B-12 and folate to support the normal production of hemoglobin and erythrocytes. Some foods rich in iron are meat, legumes such as lentils, seafood or vegetables, especially those that have a dark green hue. The products of animal origin and the fortified cereals are rich in B-12.
This article is merely informative. We do not have the faculty to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We offer you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
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