Daily Menu Low in Carbohydrates: Diet, Food and Tips

March 02, 2018

Do you want to lose weight in a healthy way? You have to know that one of the most effective ways is to regulate the consumption of carbohydrates in your diet. It is not about eliminating them completely. Because hydrates give us a lot of energy but, simply, reduce our consumption to the maximum. There are many diets that opt to eliminate carbohydrates. But in this article, we are not going to offer you this option. We will focus, essentially, on offering you a weekly menu low in carbohydrates that will help you lose weight but without taking any kind of risk. And the best way to lose weight is to do it progressively and without eliminating any food group from our diet.

Reduce Carbohydrates to Lose Weight

There are many express diets that have a secret to eliminating the consumption of carbohydrates to lose weight. Although you can have visible results, the truth is that, as soon as you return to take hydrates, you will return to take the lost kilos.

Therefore, we are not going to propose a diet without carbohydrates. But simply reduce their presence in our diet so that you learn to eat healthy, without going hungry and without restricting this group of foods that is so beneficial for our body.

Why Eat a Diet Low in Carbohydrates?

If your goal is to lose weight, a diet that reduces carbohydrate intake will be essential to achieve it. The reason is that these foods are very energetic, that is, very caloric, and if we take them too much we make our body store that excess in the form of "saturated fats". It is for this reason that, if we regulate their intake, we will be able to avoid this accumulation in the body.

In addition, we have to think that our body, in reality, does not need as much energy as that provided by hydrates and, therefore, the goal we pursue is to give our body the nutrients it really needs to be healthy.

So, with this weekly menu low in carbohydrates what you will get will be to reduce this food (without eliminating it altogether) and, therefore, lose weight in a progressive and healthy way. In addition, over time you will become accustomed to hydrates not having so much presence in your diet and, therefore, you will not suffer the rebound effect that, on the contrary, does take place in diets that eliminate carbohydrates completely.

Low-Carb Diet for Loss Weight: Five Tips

If you want to start making a weekly menu low in carbohydrates you have to take into account some tips that will help you lose weight. You have to be clear that hydrates are not your enemies but, simply, they are a type of food that should be consumed with caution for its high energy intake.

Therefore, in order to begin to make a diet to lose weight in carbohydrates, we recommend you take into account these tips that will help you succeed:

Always in its Integral Version

When you eat hydrates in your diet you will always have to bet on the integral version. The reason is clear: white foods have little or no nutrients and they do have a lot of sugars. During the refining process, the hydrates can lose their nutrients. Therefore, if you opt for the integrals you will get a purer and more beneficial food for your body. In addition, they are rich in fiber and, therefore, will satisfy your appetite more, making you, with less quantity, feel satisfied.

Accompany them With Vegetables

To get a more nutritious and healthy dish for your body the best thing you can do is prepare a plate of hydrates accompanied by vegetables such as mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers, onions, asparagus, aubergines, zucchini, etc. With this, you will increase the fiber intake of the recipe and, therefore, satisfy your appetite without having to eat too much. In addition, the vegetables are low in calories so you will not be excessively increasing the caloric intake of your recipe.

Carbs Never at Night

If you want to make a weekly menu low in carbohydrates the golden rule that you have to know is that this type of food should never be taken at night. The reason is that, as we have already said, it is a food very rich in energy and, at night. You do not need too much energy because you are going to go to bed to rest. Therefore, taking hydrates at night is totally forbidden whether you want to lose weight or want to enjoy a healthy diet. It is best to take them for breakfast or lunch and, thus, you will take advantage of their nutritious contribution to the maximum. 

Take them as an Accompaniment

Another trick that will help you reduce the consumption of hydrates in your diet is that, instead of taking them as a single dish, you always consume them as an accompaniment. Therefore, if you do it this way, you will reduce the amount you eat and, with it, the calories without having to give up its delicious flavor. So, instead of opting for a plate of macaroni with bolognese. It is best to opt for a plate of meat and, for accompaniment, a little macaroni with tomato and mushrooms, for example.

We discover tips so that you can eat carbohydrates without gaining weight and, thus, not be forced to give up its flavor or its nutrients.

 Low Carbohydrate Menu: Example

So you can start enjoying a diet of this type, here is an example of a weekly menu low in carbohydrates. As you can see, we propose different foods and recipes that are delicious and that will help you enjoy a balanced, healthy diet and, also, perfect to maintain your line.


Food:     Arugula salad + Chicken meatballs

Dinner:     Hummus with vegetables crudités + turkey omelet


Food:       Arugula salad and cherry tomatoes + Boiled chickpeas with vegetables and hard-boiled egg

Dinner:   Vegetable broth (no pasta or with few noodles) + Chicken sautéed with artichokes and ham


Food:        Green beans with boiled potato + Hake baked with mushrooms

Dinner:    Tomato and fresh cheese salad + turkey or chicken burger


Food:         Potato, egg, tuna and vegetable salad

Dinner:       Vegetable cream + Eggplant stuffed with minced meat with vegetables


Food:         Baked au gratin tomatoes + Sautéed chicken breast with spinach

Dinner:     Chicken broth + Roasted peppers baked with tuna


Food:        Zucchini cream + Potatoes stuffed with minced meat and vegetables

Dinner:    Varied green salad + stuffed eggs (without mayonnaise)


Food:       Caprese salad + Spaghetti al pesto

Dinner:   Cream of vegetables + Fajitas of chicken and vegetables

This article is purely informative. We do not have the faculty to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Daily Menu Low in Carbohydrates: Diet, Food, and Tips. We recommend you to enter our category of Healthy.

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